Working Holiday Canada Application Guide
How do I apply for the Working Holiday Canada?
“Is a Working Holiday Canada process complicated?”
“Should I take the help of an agency?”
Dilemma questions from every Work and Traveller, planning an adventure in Canada. The answer is: No, the Working Holiday process is a very straightforward process and you can save yourself a ton of money by going through the process on your own.
Thousands of applicants do it every year and succeed. The process sounds scary at first, but if you follow this step-by-step guide you will be successful too. You can do it! A few more thoughts about using an agency here.
A few important things before you start the Working Holiday Canada application:
The very extensive FAQ section has many common questions and answers that can help during the application process.
The pool is not “first come first served”.
Because invitations go out only a few weeks after the pool opening, (sometime in January), it doesn’t matter if you apply into the pool 1 minute after opening or 1 week after opening. The chances for the first invitation round are exactly the same for all applicants in the pool.
When you create the profile, do not rush.
Take your time and answer the questions correctly and check for typos before submitting the profile.
Important data like name, birth date and passport number will be greyed out and cannot be changed later in the application. If you made a mistake or typo, you’ll have to withdraw the profile and start all over. This means creating a new profile and waiting for an invitation again!
No one is given preference in the pool. The chances of an invitation are the same for all profiles in the pool.
- It doesn’t matter, if you apply on your own, or pay a ton of money to an agency.
- No agency and no immigration lawyer out there can guarantee an invitation or a work permit.
- Did you just finish high school? It doesn’t matter what education you have.
- Likewise, it doesn’t matter if you have many years of work experience or whether you even have a PhD.
- It doesn’t matter for the Working Holiday if you already have a job lined up in Canada. A job is not a requirement for the Working Holiday and therefore will not give you any preference.
Follow each step one by one
You can’t go wrong with the Working Holiday Canada application with the steps below. I will give important information in the respective steps, what you have to pay attention to. Nowhere else on the Internet will you get so many insider tips.